Business Critical data acquisition

This project required that a number of Flow Computers were installed into remote sites to deliver key Business critical data.
This data derived from plant instrumentation was to be used for a Business Critical Data application. These are a number of the qualifiers that made this a series of Business Critical installations :-
• Reporting to regulators;
• Reporting for Customs and Excise purposes;
• Other reporting that has a potential affect on the Licence to Operate;
• Third-party contractual or significant financial obligations;
• Any significant internal business processes that impacts the healthy operation of the business.
Examples include EUETS reporting, fiscal metering and mass balance metering.
When configuring Flow computer data collection for Environmental or Business sensitive installations. We always aim to ensure that :-
- All corrections take place at the lowest possible layer of the chain (as close to source as possible)
- Data totalisation takes place as close to source in a non-resetting total for each key measurement
- Dual feed from meters wherever possible 4-20mA to DCS and Modbus directly to Historian
- Multiple Watchdog monitoring for any failure modes making failures visible to the right people
We have many years experience on integration projects with various instruments using a variety of protocols.